
Original pieces from the Energy Syndicate


All the World is a stage. Play your part, be the actor and savour your role.

"Be yourself my friend and know something wonderful", said the actress to the bishop.


A seed may produce a wonderful thing but that beauty can not rise alone, and would not exist if it was not for the existence of all there is.


While fighting for it – it isn’t

While defending it – it’s not

When loving it – it’s yours to enjoy

Knowing the Line

Is Truth all you seek to the cost of everything else? Would you honestly betray a sincere confidence for a paragon of truth?

Music You Love

The music you love is never more loved than that which you wish to make the whole World know.

A Path

In joy you can find freedom where there is a peace without fear.

The Life You Know

A life held dear is the life you know.

The Lark Cries

All the angels in the heavens sing when a lark cries the joy of dawn

The World

The World is a miracle in the Galaxy we call the Milky Way. Anyone who is in any doubt will never see the miracle that is in front of them.

The World is not just the world we describe as a race on a planet - it is part of the whole. Rejecting the World is like a person rejecting an ear or an eye because they believe themselves to be a foot.

If you stub your toe and your foot is in pain, do you reject your foot as inadequate and look elsewhere to get comfort? Are you not grateful for the life we have?

Without Limit

The love of God is without limit.

Those who loose a way will be held until they find a way. Those who have no way will be given a way to exceed what they would never know.

The Seed

A seed in the right environment will grow. If the seed is unknown to you, the eventual growth will be a mystery until maturity has been reached. Although the seed does not look like the eventual growth it is made in its own image.

The life we know is a mystery. Have Faith. Like the seed, what will be is already known.

The Coin

"I would never work as a slave like you"

But with that coin of payment he could not see if he was in slavery or servitude and so he turned his face to the Lord, and his face shone, filled with the joy of living - for the Lord does not seek a slave, or a servant, just those who wish to find love.

The Flag

A flag waving in the wind. It moves. It is for a moment in a place that appears full.

Regardless of the perception, it is always full. Good standards always stand proud no matter whichever way the wind blows.

The Love of God

Those who believe will see.

If Darwin is Right

What will happen to the human race if their drive to be the fittest is to make a cyber world the one they have achieved in?

The Man in the Cave

A man sits in a cave, cold and alone, looking for his loved one lost in the swamp below. He was alone then united then alone. He closed his eyes and prayed the first prayer.

The man prayed, looking for a time when the food would be plentiful, the shelter reliable and his health in such a way that he could truly enjoy the wonder that he had been born into. He loved all he had seen and knew that what was, was good. He prayed for the chance to be able to live, to see the world without the fear of falling. The Lord God Father Almighty heard his prayer.

His eyes were then opened. He felt the warmth and Wonder of knowing God in the world.

A Time and a Place

The man in the forest looked for a clearing.

The man in the future looked for a forest.

The man with the axe knew he had succeeded.

The man with the seed knew too much had been lost.


A Spartan luxury to those who fight life to find a way of living life.