
A Cheerful Apology

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Tales of Life

Series from the Energy Syndicate

Tales of Life is a series of short stories.

The Child in the World

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One day, a child walked into the garden of the World. He had never seen such a wonderful place before. It filled his mind and body with a joy. He felt inspired, excited and peaceful simultaneously. He loved where he was. He loved what he saw. He ran through the meadows. Explored the forests and shores. He found excitement and adventure in the mountains.

Drinking from a fresh spring in a valley, he looked up and saw an apple tree, heavy with ripe fruit. He went over to the tree, greeting it as he neared. He thought the tree looked wonderful and the fruit delicious. He cheerfully took an apple and ate it while sitting under the branches. The Heavens were delighted with the child's honest joy for all that he had.

The child loved the world he had come to. He found a place to shelter and sleep. While watching the sun paint the sky in reds, he settled for sleep. The sleep was peaceful. He felt secure. He was sleeping in the place he knew as home.

He lived in the garden. Loving it, knowing it. The life of the World new the child, welcoming him everywhere he went.

The ages past and came to the time that is now. At this time, the time of transition, the child returned to the garden of the World, excited about the chance of revisiting a world he had known and loved.

God saw the child and knew he would see with an honesty that could not be deceived.

Previous Tales of Life pieces can be found in the archive. Click the link: Archive

Do you have a story?

Do you have a story? We would like to hear from you. If you have struggled to tell your story, or feel it is an impossible, maybe even pointless mission to start, get in touch. All sincere contacts will be treated with the utmost integrity.


Consider This...

Series from the Energy Syndicate

The series "Consider This…" from the Energy Syndicate has concluded. To read them in order, click on the links below.

If they manage to make a fabric for your minds, use them to settle you in troubled moments, moments of contemplation and times you wish to experience a peace.

Developing World Events


Items that we are highlighting...

  • Climate Change - What's happening to you? - CLICK THIS
  • Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Current - CLICK THIS
  • The Solar Cycle - CLICK THIS

  • What and When to Publish

    When the moments called for it, the Energy Syndicate delivered items of political significance. Many predicted future events, which came to pass. A number were centred around the US political arena due to a particular threat. In recent times, pieces of that nature have been absent from this place – things have been going relatively normally in the US. The decision to publish a few of these writings was based in the support of the truth and what is righteous.

    All original prophecies remain secret. Secure in the Eden Chronicle. The Eden Chronicle is sacred.

    The following is a short item of some political significance. It formed part of a discussion with a dignitary in 2022 – privacy has been maintained. We offer these few words however, not as a means to direct a level of scrutiny across those mentioned, but for a purpose that is holy.

    Click the link below:

    Holding Court – A Wilful War

Brightest Ever...

Item by the Energy-Syndicate

October 2022 astronomers observed a 7 min sustained burst of light in a galaxy 2.4 billion light years away. It was intense, emitting light across all frequencies and specifically highly intense in gamma rays - initially too intense for the instruments to make sense of. Investigations report the event was over 100 times brighter than anything previously recorded; nicknamed BOAT – Brightest of all time. According to the current science, such an intense burst would require an absolutely enormous supernova explosion. However, findings, released in April 2024, conclude the explosion came from the heart of an exploding star but its size, according to current theories would not be sufficient to produce such an intense burst, demonstrating that there is something else of significance that the science does not yet fully understand.

Heavens Above

Astronomical notes from the Energy Syndicate

The month of May is not a particularly good month for observing planets. With the nights getting shorter, the hours available for observing the stars are less, but, with the nights warming up, getting out in the late hours will still yield great rewards without the downside of numb fingers, toes and noses! Research published this year has shown that stargazing has great benefits for mental health. Finding good people to do this with will be an encouragement to some. Star parties, held throughout the year, are a good place to start. In the UK, the ‘Kielder Star Party’ is a firm favourite, boasting some of the darkest skies in the UK. There are many parties across the USA. The ‘Stellafane Convention’ has been running since 1926. It is held in Vermont during the summer. The Joshua Tree Night Sky Festival is a 2 day annual event.

May 2024


Item by the Energy-Syndicate

Humans have been on the earth for relatively only a short time. It is thought that their journey began in Africa although this is still a matter of debate. Since that time, humans have evolved into the modern day human. Some believe that process has reached its conclusion, and others, that the evolution of humans will, and indeed is, still progressing. When humans arrived in Briton is still not known but a significant piece of evidence was discovered in Norfolk on the coast near the village of Happisburgh. Coastal erosion revealed about 50 footprints of what appears to be a family group, dating back 950,000 years - making them the oldest footprints to have ever been discovered outside Africa and of international significance.

Earth Watch - May 2024

Climate – No U-Turn

Item from The-Energy-Syndicate

"Que será, será Whatever will be, will be” – Lyrics to a song but could equally be the mantra of many governments and businesses around the world with regard to their commitment to tackling climate change. For 5 years we have been predicting 2025 is going to be a tough year for the world, due, primarily, to increased global temperatures caused by polluting greenhouse gases. In April, Simon Stiell, United Nations executive secretary for climate change warned that there is only 2 years left to reduce emissions to avert climate catastrophe. A stern warning but a warning that we believe will be lost in the forthcoming months as the climate changes race towards, and past, the benchmarks before the end of this year.